Digibarometer 2022: For a third year in a row, Finland ranked second in international comparison of the use of digitalisation, the Digibarometer. Like last year, Denmark came first. This time Norway rose to the third place. Etlatieto, a branch of Etla, the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, has investigated and compared how around 20 countries utilise digitalisation. They looked at the scope for digitalisation in these countries, how digitalisation is currently used, and the outcomes it produces. They examined what forms it takes in enterprises, for private individuals and in the public sector.
The wave of digitalisation brings with it endless growth opportunities for you and your company, but it can also present MULTIPLE challenges. We all remember the WannaCry and Petya ransomware that impacted critical national infrastructure around the world a few years back. As we become more digitalised, it is increasingly more important to protect ourselves from such attacks.
Even if the Nordic countries have become more digitalised and smarter at data security, there is clearly potential to improve. According to Norwegian Center for Information Security (NorCIS), the exclusion of some sectors of society remains problematical and especially concerns small and medium-sized companies. Most businesses in Norway have fewer than 20 employees and lack a security superstructure.
He adds that it is at least as important for small companies to have proper security as large companies.
“Losing sensitive information can easily paralyse small companies, and ruin their good reputation. It is easy to assume that “this won’t happen to me,” but you can never be completely sure. If you don’t have proper security systems in place, you are obviously much more vulnerable to external hacking.”
READ ALSO: How secure are your board documents?
Refvik advises small and medium-sized businesses to choose tried and trusted security solutions that are easy to use.
“It is important to keep up with the wave of digitalisation, but this must not be at the cost of security. Admincontrol’s solutions let you interact digitally, safely and easily. Sensitive documents can be shared securely, and you can access them no matter where you are.”
Refvik believes that security is a topic that should be pushed up the agenda, to the very top of the organisation, in both small and large businesses.
“Many people view security as a burden, not an asset. This attitude should change. At Admincontrol, everyone is trained in security, in everything from how to create a secure password, to which documents are safe or unsafe to open. Security is something all employees need to be aware of.”
Downgrading the importance of good security solutions entails a risk of sensitive data leaks and reputational damage. For a small company, this could be critical.
All companies should put in place simple and reliable security solutions. For ease of implementation, they should choose a solution that is well-established and easy to use. Small and medium-sized companies have no time to lose
You can no longer assume that “this won’t happen to me” because hacking can affect anyone. Put in place a solution that will protect you against future attacks.
So, if your company doesn’t have digitalisation and security on the agenda today, you have no time to lose. Remember that it is “better to be safe than sorry”. Because the damage will already have been done …
At Admincontrol we have recently been looking at these issues in depth and have produced a handbook for boards on how to manage the impact of hybrid working on cybersecurity.
Download the guide here: