Sabona organizes their projects and plans their exit-strategies in a matter that allows the locals to get the start-up help they need and the tools to take over and run the projects themselves. Projects are initiated by the locals and further funded if sustainability measures are met. In this way, the projects benefit the community while also creating jobs and educational opportunities.
This post is an update on the main project from last year, and we are also introducing an exciting new project which we are now a part of.
Fatima Clinic
The maternity ward at the Fatima Clinic lacked even the most basic things to be fully operational. There was no running water and no electricity, which made it a challenging environment for both patient and healthcare provider. Women in labour had to provide their own supply of water, which often entailed them walking with a heavy load for several hours to reach the clinic. Without any electricity, medical procedures were often done in the dark or under a pale light from flashlights or candles, if those were even available.

With help from Admincontrol, the clinic now has a solar driven well with pipes that lead the water directly to the clinic. This is by far the most important improvement for both patients and staff. Access to clean water ensures that the risk of transmitting bacteria and virus to infants and their mothers is greatly reduced. Access to electricity enables the staff to work during the evenings and at night with no difficulties; an important consideration as childbirth happens at all hours of the night.

On top of the basic needs being met, all medical equipment needed to carry out safe births are now in place. Bandages, syringes, medicine, machines, beds and blankets. The bathrooms no longer have dirt floors, but tiles, which are more hygienic and easier to keep clean. The patients would have to bring many of the supplies we take for granted in a maternity ward or choose to do without them. The clinic can now fully provide a worthy and safe place for these women to welcome their new-borns.
The greatest outcome of this project is that the death rate for labouring women has gone down to zero. Women no longer choose homebirths, this alone reduces the risk tremendously for both mother and child. This is an amazing achievement in which Admincontrol has played a critical role. As yet another sign of project success, Sabona has now handed over the operations of the clinic to the clinic itself. They are confident that the staff and local council are able to run the clinic themselves; a perfect example of sustainable development!

Sabona Development Centre
This year we are part of one of the biggest projects Sabona has ever initiated. The Development Centre will be in the heart of the surrounding communities in which Sabona works. The idea is to bring together work opportunities and education.
The background for this project derives from the lack of jobs and vocational education in Zimbabwe. The unemployment rate in Zimbabwe is currently at a staggering 95 %, leaving a lot of newly educated young adults without the possibility of employment. The students who drop out of school will be even more vulnerable as they have little to no means to get into any job market.

One of the goals of the Development Centre is to help those who have fallen out of the traditional educational system to get vocational training in a line of work that can help them make a living and become contributing members to society. During earlier projects, Sabona have successfully been able to provide vocational training to both young women and men, but now the ambition is to centralize these efforts to provide opportunities for the entire community. Furthermore, the Development Centre will also create a marketplace for the sale of goods and services generated from the vocational school.

Together with Sabona we also want to utilize the sewing groups and farmers in the community who have the means to produce, but not to sell or distribute their goods. There is ample production in the region, but it is not centralized. Placed right at the entry of Zimbabwe’s biggest national park and on the main road to Victoria Falls, the Development Centre will be a natural and centralized gathering spot and sales point for schools, locals, safari lodges and tourists on the road.
This project is off to a great start. Land has been allocated, water has been found and the plans for drilling a well are being developed.
We strive to inspire others
Admincontrol is one of several sponsors for the Development Centre, and we are very proud of being a part of this exciting plan. We strive to inspire others with our commitment to help those who are not as fortunate as we are. If you are eager to learn more about Sabona and how you can help individually as well, please visit their website for more information.